Nadiia Novakova published on

5 min, 850 words

Dr. Nadiia Novakova

Data Scientist

Birthday: 27th of April 1985

Contact: nadiia.novakova at gmail dot com, cell: +49 152 389 932 26




  • Ph.D. in Computer Science 12.2007-02.2014, Donetsk National University (DNU), Ukraine
  • Master in Applied Economy 09.2006-01.2009, DNU, Ukraine
  • Master in Computer Science (Diploma with honors) 09.2006-06.2007, DNU, Ukraine
  • Bachelor in Computer Science (Diploma with honors) 09.2002-06.2006, DNU, Ukraine

Summary: 13 years of professional experience in the field of Data Science, Machine Learning and Software Development.

Development practice:

  • Feature Engineering
  • CI/CD, unit testing, test automation
  • Agile, Scrum

Technical expertise:

  • Developing machine learning applications in Python, Java with MongoDB, Windows, Linux, Docker
  • Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Data Mining
  • Good expertise in web technologies: JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Work Experience

Data Scientist in Minds-Medical GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany

2018 – present

Company Developing an artificial intelligence system for medical coding.
Responsibilities Model designing and implementation based on machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence methods in the field of pattern recognition and Natural-Language Processing (NLP). Using Named Entity recognition (NER) approaches for data classification and anonymization.

Comprehensive model development for logical zones recognition in printed documents based on a combination of Tensorflow pre-trained image recognition models and extracted meta-data from HTML/CSS.
Technologies Python, Apache OpenNLP, Tensorflow, Java, SpringBoot, MongoDB, Git, Bitbucket, Swagger, Docker, IntelliJ, Junit, Mockito, HTML/CSS, MySQL, MSSQL

Software Engineer in NEVAAL, Frankfurt, Germany


Company Dynamic visualisation of networks.
Responsibilities Implementation of a prototype for visualisation of social networks.
Technologies Python, JavaScript, D3.js

Due to family resons I lived in the USA

2014 - 2016

Data Analyst in DORIS, Ukraine (part-time)

2011 – 2013

Company Telecom and Internet Provider
Responsibilities Financial statements analysis, modules of the economic state and business planning in the automated business control system implementation
Technologies Matlab, SQL, Java, MS Excel

Scientific Officer, Lecturer in Donetsk National University, Ukraine

2007 – 2014

Company University
Responsibilities Teaching subjects: Evaluation and Fuzzy Logic models, Risk Control and Decision Making Systems, Relational Database Management Systems, Web-design
Technologies Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL

Data Analyst, Oracle DBA in Ukrtelecom, Ukraine


Company National Telecom and Internet Provider
Responsibilities consolidation of customer base data, analysis of billing payments, 2nd- and 3rd-level support for existing applications
Technologies Oracle, PLSQL

Technical Skills

Software development tools Jupyter, Anaconda, Git, Docker, Swagger, IntelliJ
Data Management Tableau, MongoDB, Oracle/PLSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MS Excel
Operating systems Windows, OSX
Programming languages, technologies Python, Java
Web HTML, CSS, D3.js, JavaScript
Build tools Gradle, Maven
Libraries / Tool-kits Numpy, Pandas, OpenNLP, scikit-learn, Spring, SpringBoot,

Public Talks

  • March 12, 2019 - Frankfurt NLP Meetup:

    Named Entity Recognition with Apache OpenNLP: Training a model for the medical field

Certifications & Trainings

DataCamp Courses:

  • Supervised Learning with scikit-learn
  • Statistical Thinking in Python
  • Introduction to Python
  • Intro to SQL for Data Science
  • Intermediate Python for Data Science
  • Python Data Science Toolbox
  • Importing Data in Python
  • Pandas Foundations
  • Manipulating DataFrames with pandas
  • Statistical Thinking in Python
  • Joining Data in SQL
  • Supervised Learning with scikit-learn


Russian, Ukrainian – native, English – fluent, German – basic

