
Car Market Trends - Data Exploration

Nadiia Novakova published on

12 min, 2270 words

In this article I want to show some basic data preparation and analytics tasks. Also I want to shown Plotly library for data visualisation.

I have been looking for some datasets that I can easily manipulate to demonstrate the first pre-step of the Machine Learning - data preparation and cleaning. So I started to surf the Internet for datasets I can somehow explain and easily interpret based on my experience.

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PySpark & Plotly

Nadiia Novakova published on

6 min, 1155 words

Apache Spark is an abstract query engine that allows to process data at scale. Spark provides an API in several languages such as Scala, Java and Python. Today I would like to show you how to use Python and PySpark to do data analytics in Spark SQL API. I will also use Plotly library to visualise processed data.

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